Sunday, July 6, 2008

On wrinkles

I am a purger, not a saver. I have a small container of mementos from my childhood, and each of my children has a "box" of keepsakes from babyhood and another from school. That's it. Oh, and my husband has his own box: the box of all the "Unique and Creative" decorating...ah...items he had when in his dorm room when we met.
And while that purging tendency leads to a very organized home and office, it often leads to regret as well. It's been more than once that I've looked in my closet for a certain shirt--only to recall that I donated it to Goodwill a few weeks before. And I have looked with speculation at the garbage can, wondering whether I SHOULD dig out that homework paper my son brought home--the one I just looked at and tossed--the one that now lies buried beneath coffee grounds, a banana peel, and three wadded paper napkins. Probably not. He'll bring home more papers soon enough.
How often do we throw out ideas in our writing? Too often. And how often do we regret those decisions to toss instead of keep? Ditto. It's hard, though, to find a place to store all those wrinkled pages, a place to keep them safe from coffee grounds and banana peels and wadded napkins. For me, the answer is this blog. I know that often those very ideas that seem lackluster today can have a certain gleam tomorrow, especially when they've been polished a bit.
Welcome to my wastebasket.


Anonymous said...

I have a similar problem but the thing with me is I keep all those loose papers, memories, knick-knacks in drawers, boxes, whatever I can store it in. Amazing how the will to throw away things is so strong. Wonderful blog, sis! Oh-The photographer of that picture must have some awesome talent! (she says with a sly smile)

Kir said...

Who DID take that picture? :)

ACW said...

I cannot focus on this posting -- as I just cleaned out my house and spent sixty bucks on advertising a tag sale this weekend!!!

I can only take comfort in knowing my home is STILL overrun by stuff -- and hopefully I kept the stuff of memories!!

Nice job.

triplej said...

Wow, it is 12:36 and I could not stop reading this. simply beautifully put. jennifer