(These are bluebonnets...)
The students had to write a poem using imagery, and here is mine:
once more i made the wrong choice
as i slipped down a twilit hall
past any attempted good night hugs
shrugging off sticky kisses
in pursuit of my own dark comfort.
i curled under the blankets one
small light overhead shedding a dim
glare on the pages. i yawned and stretched
and tried to ignore the guilt curled up
cold against my back poking me with
sharp fingers and knobby knees.
maybe if i turn over
maybe if i turn off the light
maybe if i close my eyes
guilt remains and when you open the
door your face spangled with sawdust
your eyes rough with the work
you still must do before you sleep
you don't have to say anything
you dross hard arms against your chest
pushing disapproval deep inside
and you leave, trailing a wake
of golden dust.
i turn out the light and close
my eyes to guilt (grinning)
a death's head
curled up now right beside
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